Serial Entrepreneurs, Industry Experts, and Investors

Meet our Rockstar Mentor Network

SKU mentors are a powerful team of serial entrepreneurs, industry experts, and investors

Our mentor community has over...

Represented Industries
Years Combined Experience


SKU differs from other incubators and accelerators because mentorship goes deep.  In addition to our intensive curriculum, our founders are surrounded by a team of mentors. We like to say that our mentors are our special sauce.

Our Mentors all  are united by a desire to help promising consumer product startups achieve maximum success, providing the expertise and connections that enable them to do that. In addition to the rewarding experience of working with entrepreneurs, mentors also enjoy the relationships they build with other mentors.

Our mentor community includes a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs, top industry executives, subject matter experts and investors. When recruiting mentors, we look for the best of the best – people like the founder of Vital Farms, the director of content and creative excellence at  The Coca-Cola Co. and editor-in-chief of Nosh/BevNETOur mentor community includes the man who developed the pumpkin scone for Starbucks and one of the creative minds behind the Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man in the World” campaign.

Equity Mentors pay a membership fee to join the SKU equity mentor pool. As a benefit of membership in the community, every SKU equity mentor owns a portion of equity in each company from the track in which they participate.

You need not be based in a particular city to mentor for SKU. Our programs are run virtually, with two optional in-person events. We recruit mentors from around the world, looking for those exceptional people with the talent and experience to help build brands into the next household names.

If you would like to learn more about mentoring for SKU, please fill out the Mentor Interest Form and a SKU team member will contact you to set up an interview.