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Popsicle Kings of Atlanta Help Emerging Brands Scale 700 500 Michelle Breyer

Popsicle Kings of Atlanta Help Emerging Brands Scale

Steven and Nick Carse have built an iconic popsicle brand called the King of Pops as well as a distributor for emerging brands read more
SKU Atlanta Partners: Q&A with Craft Catalyst Team 700 500 Michelle Breyer

SKU Atlanta Partners: Q&A with Craft Catalyst Team

Steef Schelke and Chris Olivier, the principals of Craft Catalyst, spent some time with them to learn more about Craft Catalyst, and to talk about why they believe SKU Atlanta can help bring together the Southeast’s CPG community. read more
Apply now to Austin Track 10 700 500 Michelle Breyer

Apply now to Austin Track 10

Austin-based SKU is accepting applications for its 10th Austin cohort through Oct. 31st. The ideal SKU company has traction in the market, a compelling founder story and annual revenues of $250K or greater read more
Mentoring for SKU: Seeking Successful CPG Leaders 700 500 Michelle Breyer

Mentoring for SKU: Seeking Successful CPG Leaders

SKU mentor team meeting Mentoring for SKU is something special. It’s a transformative experience that positively impacts the mentors as much a the founders. I started mentoring for SKU Track 7. After selling my TextureMedia (NaturallyCurly), I was attracted to the idea of mentoring other entrepreneurs – sharing the dos, and possibly just as important,…

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