A year ago, the folks from DFW CPG came to us with a proposition: They wanted to bring SKU to the DFW area to help create the same positive and nurturing environment for CPG startups that we created in Austin, New York and the Twin Cities.
We launched in August with six amazing companies: All Ya’lls Foods, mmmPanadas, Meli’s Monster Cookies, Highwave, ReThink Ice Cream, and Sienna Sauce, a company run by a 17-year-old entrepreneurial phenom. We had an amazing group of mentors from such Dallas companies as Pepsico, Beyond Meat and 7-11 as well as some of our top veteran mentors.
Despite COVID, Track 1 of SKU Dallas was a huge success. We saw company pivots, rebrands and the overall acceleration of growth that SKU is known for. We already have seen significant interest from both mentors and CPG founders.
Applications now are open for the second track of SKU Dallas. SKU Dallas is supported by DFW CPG, which is working to foster growth and connection within the region’s food and beverage industry. The track is for emerging brands $750K and larger. The 12-week program kicks off Aug. 31st and runs through Nov. 30th. Companies need not be based in Dallas. Companies can apply here. If you’re a mentor who would like to be a part of SKU Dallas, email us at mentors @sku.is.